Caring for your mouth and dental care can be compared to maintaining a “new car.”
Doc has ALWAYS wanted a sports car that can really fly. He is brilliant at keeping it vacuumed, waxed, washed and pristine. I know that if he had it, he would park it on the other side of the grocery store parking lot where I would have to walk two miles to get to the building to protect it. But if he didn’t change the oil and complete routine maintenance on it, the engine would burn up and crack the block. (Just as a side note, he is brilliant at these things, too!)
Hygiene is Maintenance
In the same way, you can brilliantly clean your teeth every day and after every meal, but you need to come to a “dentist near me” for two important reasons: (1) to remove plaque bacteria that forms on your teeth regardless of how well you brush and (2) to maintain and assess your teeth and their foundations, from the base of the bone to the tip of the tooth. Oral hygiene is a window to your overall health.
Bad brakes? Bad tires? You can STILL drive, right?
It is the same for teeth. It may FEEL like nothing is wrong. Early diagnosis prevents emergencies and large price tags for treatment. Your mouth is used WAY more than your car. Eventually, it will need care…trust Svoma Design in Dentistry for your care and we have you covered!
Insurance will take care of that, right?
Like car insurance, dental insurance will not pay for all of your dental needs. We understand the confusion, and we can help!
Svoma Design in Dentistry can help!
Call Svoma Design in Dentistry today if you would like to understand how we can meet and exceed your expectations for your dental care!