Top Ten Reasons to see a Dentist

So, why go see a dentist?

I know that A LOT of people put off seeing a dentist for one reason or another.  For some people, they are afraid.  Legitimately afraid and anxious…I get it.  Just read my bio on my webpage.  It is real.  For others, they have neglected their teeth for a while and are worried about the condescending look they THINK they will get when they want to get back on the road to good oral health.  Not here at Svoma Design in Dentistry…but come see us and we will prove how we are different! So, why go see a dentist?  These are the top 10 good reasons you should see a dentist.  Some are obvious, others MAY surprise you. 

Svoma Design in Dentistry Mission 1

In order from 10-1…

Here are the top 10 reasons you should make an appointment to see a dentist:

Improve sleep

10.  Sleep is a necessity for good overall health.  A key to a good night’s sleep may have to do with your teeth.  If you see a dentist, you may need to be fitted with an oral device that could stop you from snoring and give you an interrupted night of sleep.

Prevent chronic headaches

9.  Tension headaches could have a contributing factor from TMJ, a temporomandibular joint disorder.  For this reason, a study in 2010 showed a statistically higher prevalence of headaches in sufferers of at least one symptom of TMJ.

Prevent diabetes

8.  95% of people with diabetes have gum disease…and gum disease makes controlling blood sugar more difficult, according to the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health.

Lower your risk of cardiovascular disease

7.  Gum disease increases the risk of bacterial infection in your bloodstream and can affect heart valves. 

Detect oral cancer

6.  Dentists check patients for any visible abnormalities in the mouth for early signs of oral cancer.  Our office is proud to offer Advanced Oral Cancer screenings to patients.  This is especially important if you have a family history of oral cancer or are a smoker.  But, honestly, check out this website for thorough information on the facts of oral cancer:

Protect brain health

5.  Dental diseases like periodontal (gum) disease and cavities produce bacteria that gets into your bloodstream.  Your bloodstream travels all over your body…including your brain.  New research is finding links between periodontal disease and the development of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Save $ on Healthcare

4.  Research continues to build the connection between oral health and overall health.  As a result, treating active infection brought on by periodontal disease can reduce overall medical costs by eliminating bacteria from your bloodstream.

Improve your Self-Esteem

3.  This one is a no-brainer.  47% of people notice your smile FIRST about you.  If you worry that your breath is stinky, and your teeth are yellow or broken it isn’t likely that you are smiling big in your next family photo…or on that first date…or, well you get the picture.  If you aren’t happy with your smile and you can’t rate it a solid 10, it is time to see us at Svoma Design in Dentistry!

Keep the Teeth you Have

2. So, here is the second (pun-intended!) no-brainer on this list.  It should NOT surprise you at all that people who have regular check-ups with their dentist have much better oral health for life.  Don’t have a dentist…I know one, ME!  Call us at Svoma Design in Dentistry ( or check out our website at make an appointment ????

Top Reason? It could save your LIFE

1.  Did you know that 200 years ago, “teeth” was listed on death certificates as a cause of death??  Dental infections can be very dangerous…and can lead to sepsis.  This is a life-threatening infection. 

So, have you put off seeing a dentist?  Don’t put it off anymore!  You will feel and see the difference at Svoma Design in Dentistry.  Call us at 317-837-8900 for an appointment to see us today! Check out our website at today!

We change lives. Not Just Smiles